
Darla Hall, M.S.  
Chief Illumination Officer

President – Consumer Link. Providing creative technical solutions to tough product development and marketing challenges. With a broad range of experience from food, beverage, and personal care products to pharmaceuticals and ingredient suppliers, Consumer Link connects clients to their target market by taking them inside the hearts and minds of consumers. With expertise in facilitating qualitative research, Darla utilizes a broad range of approaches and methods from other behavioral sciences including World Café and Appreciative Inquiry. Darla brings a passion and energy to her work for illuminating consumer needs and discovering innovative solutions to improve quality of life.

Sr. Sensory Manager – Campbell Soup Company. Led effort to globalize product testing capabilities in North America, Europe, and Asia. Created customized strategies to meet regional and cultural product development needs, utilizing satellite manufacturing and sales units. Coordinated standardization of sensory methods and programs for Campbell US manufacturing facilities. Instituted strategic approach to maintain brand equity by developing gold standards for core brand products and identifying opportunities for product and process improvements.

As Sr. Project Manager at Best Foods/CPC Intl., she was instrumental in expanding methodologies and corporate philosophy for designed product development.

Certified in a variety of qualitative research techniques, Darla is leading the development of ASTM research standards for qualitative methods with the ASTM E18 Committee. She co-chairs ASTM workshops focusing on sharing cutting-edge knowledge, tools and technology as well as transferring strategic business skills to the consumer and product research community.

Earned her B.S. and M.S. from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, where she studied under Dr. Barbara Klein, concentrating in sensory science.