ASTM E18 Committee on Sensory Evaluation
Development of sensory best practices takes a passionate community.
ASTM Committee E18 on Sensory Evaluation develops tools to establish best practices for sensory research across a diverse range of industries and product categories. Committee E18 best practice tools, called standards, are accepted and used in the product development process of companies around the globe. Dedicated committee members develop standards using a consensus approach which requires balloting final standard documents for approval. The consensus process requires continuous learning and rousing debate to determine “what are best practices for the work we do”. This continuous process of learning, sharing and discussing, allows for the standardization of the most relevant methods and applications of our field of work.
Note from Darla Hall:
I am honored to serve as the current Chair of ASTM Committee E18. During my tenure, our committee leadership is focused on:
- Gleaning insights from educational seminars, workshops and published research to identify the most pertinent areas for establishing sensory best practices to fill the E18 standards development pipeline.
- Promoting increased engagement and input from the broader Sensory community, especially our international sensory colleagues.
- Developing effective mechanisms for continuous update and improvement of currently published standards for our user market.
*Note: ASTM E-18 partners with the Society of Sensory Professionals (SSP) to advance our field. Please see our post on the topic.